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Monday, January 26, 2015

Christian Rap then and now!

I was listening to one of my favorite songs from a group in New York called ADF. They were on a mixtape from another artist that I enjoyed named Todd Bangz. The song was called SMASH. As I listened to what they were saying and how then 2004 they were extremely bold about their Christianity. Lines like " WHERE MY REAL CHRISTIANS", " You don't say Jesus???", " If you ain't reppin the Lord than you sold your soul man" had me sitting back and thinking if that song was just put out now it would get so much hate because how watered down Christian hip hop has gotten. Yes it has a bigger platform to reach more listeners but it has water down the impact to reach more souls. Are we entering the Lukewarm movement or as the bible calls it the Great falling away? Random things I think about. -Bearded Emcee

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