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Friday, April 17, 2009

Here is your GodChaserz Entertainment update for April 09.

BIG R's sophomore album Rated R is out now. Pick it up today at, Itunes,, TheBus-Shop, and other online
stores. This album has banging production from Genuine Life
Productions, Tony Stone, Wit of the Frontlynaz and more. It features
cameos by ReadyWriter, Brinson, and Knine. The new video for Big R's
single Go Off is in post production right now so be on the look out
for that on You can hear more about Big
R's album on Wade O Radio.

Next Video?

The folks at GodChaserz Entertainment would like to know what video you'd like to see next from Brinson's
Escaping Me. Shoot us a email or hit us up on

Need more music?
Re up on music with some great music from GodChaserz Entertainment.
Pick up all these titles on or ITunes

Big R - Rated R
Brinson - Escaping Me
ReadyWriter - Conduit
GodChaserz Ent. - Dat's Gospel Mixx
Jovan Mackenzy - Jihad

Lastly, there's not just any holiday coming up but the very event that changed
the course of mankind. Resurrection Sunday, the day our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ rose from the dead with all power. Let's celebrate
the day that defines us as being redeemed!

Jesus is Love
Jesus is Alive
Jesus is God

Catch GodChaserz on